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He’s Back!

Welcome to Eliot’s new blog. I’ve been wanting to make some changes to this site for some time, but time has been in short supply, alas. Between getting laid off, rebuilding my portfolio, looking for a job, getting hired, starting a new job, and being ill for close to 2 months, I’ve had little time or energy for anything else.  Nevertheless, Eliot Who? 2.0, or eMonkey as we’ll call it for now,  has been completely retooled for 2009 with a few goals in mind:

  • Make it easier to update, so we’ll be inclined to post more frequently
  • Make it easier to customize and add new content, so it stays interesting and relevant
  • Make it easier to maintain going forward, so I don’t have to scrap the whole thing in 2 years and start from scratch

Similar to the old site, all posts are filed under one or more relevant categories, which you can see by interacting with the drop-down menu in the right column. As more posts are filed I will set up an archives menu. You can also do a site-wide search using the handy search bar.

Amy and I will endeavor to make regular (at least weekly) updates to keep you apprised of all the fun, strange, and noteworthy things going on in Eliot’s life (and ours). We hope you enjoy!

– Scott

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